Last updated on May 12, 2021
I am sure that you are full of questions regarding best asanas of yoga for immunity. Amidst this health crisis, everyone is looking for ways to boost their immunity which is the first line of action against the virus.
In this exclusive post, we will be covering all the Yoga asanas that are known to boost immunity.
Before we jump into the Asanas, let’s understand various factors that define the response of your body to diseases and viruses.
The motive of life geography is to help you understand all aspects of health and the first thing to understand is that there are a lot of factors that contribute to your health and immunity. Some of the major ones are –
- Stress – Excessive stress is directly linked to weakening your immune system.
- Exercise – Some form of regular exercise is advised along with Yoga.
- Sleep – A proper sleep boosts immunity.
- Diet – A healthy diet consisting of green vegetables and immunity-boosting herbs.
While you take care of all these things, the biggest booster for your immunity will be Yoga. Without any further ado, let’s dig deep into the best Yoga Asanas to boost your immunity –
1. Sukhasana and Pranayama

Pranayama is the most basic Yoga asana and also the most effective one. It is also a form of meditation and focuses on breathing which helps your lungs. This is the biggest necessity during COVID-19. It is not possible to list all the benefits of Pranayam in one post so you get the idea of its importance.
The way to perform it –
- Find a comfortable spot, preferably a Yoga Mat, and sit just like the asana in the above picture.
- Adjust yourself to sit in a criss-cross position and make sure to keep your head straight.
- Inhale deep breaths and exhale after about 5 seconds of inhaling.
- You must inhale in all the oxygen in order to feel your lungs filled with oxygen.
- Prana means life force energy, therefore you must feel positive energy entering your body.
- Repeat the process for a minimum of 15 minutes every day to see results and build up immunity.
2. Shishuasana

Shishuasana, also known as the child asana is the perfect post to clear congested lungs and relax your mind. It is the perfect stress reliever which helps to boost your immunity. The best part of this asana is that it is fun to do at all times.
The way to do it –
- You should first finalize a place and preferably use a yoga mat to perform it effectively.
- The first step is to sit on your heels and then slowly shift your hips on your heels.
- Slowly bend your upper body and touch your head with the floor.
- Bend your arms backward and your hands must touch the ground while your palms face upwards towards the sky.
- Slowly press and touch your chest with your thighs.
- Remain in this position for at least 1 minute.
- Slowly move your hands and then your upper body and come back to your sitting position.
3. Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana is a Yoga asana which helps build your immunity by improving your digestive system. A poor digestion system invites infections and viruses. This Asana involves twisting your spine which also moves stomach muscles and helps aid in digestion.
The way to do it –
- The first step is to sit comfortably with your feet in front of your body, comfortably on a mat.
- Slowly move your right foot and keep it in front of your left foot as the sole of your right foot is touching the floor.
- While you inhale in oxygen, slowly move your right hand behind your back and bring the elbow of your left hand towards your right knee.
- The pattern to follow is inhaling oxygen while stretching the spine and exhaling CO2 while twisting your spine comfortably to shift your face towards the right side.
- Repeat the process for at least 5 twists of the asana.
4. Setu Bandhasana

Setu Bandhasana is also a Yoga Asanas involving twists of your back muscles. It is practiced to improve blood circulation which is a necessity to boost immunity. It opens up your heart and has numerous other benefits along with boosting your immunity.
The way to do it –
- The first step of performing the asana is to lie on your back on the Yoga Mat.
- Slowly fold your knees while making a 90-degree angle with the floor.
- Your feet must be hip wide apart from each other and you can refer to the picture given to get an idea of the asana.
- Keep your arms on the floor while your palms face downwards.
- Slowly start lifting your lower back, followed with your middle and upper back to make a posture as shown in the image. You must keep lifting your body till your chest touches your chin naturally.
- Remain in this position for at least one minute and feel the positive energies entering your body while you inhale and exhale.
- Slowly come back to the starting position and lie back down on the Yoga Mat.
5. Uttanasana

The first line of defense against the Coronavirus is our sinuses and membranes. Healthy and immune lungs can help you fight all kinds of viruses and infections. Inversions and body twisting yoga asanas are the best way to boost blood circulation to the lungs and other parts of the body.
This also helps in decongesting your lungs from mucus and other harmful elements. Uttanasana is an effective Yoga asana which is based on inversions.
The way to do it –
- Stand straight on your yoga mat while maintaining a hip wide distance between your feet.
- Slowly twist your upper body while moving your head downwards as shown in the image. You can use a small bend in your knees while performing it.
- Slowly move your hands and touch them at the back of your legs.
- Stay in this position for at least 10 breaths or as long you can comfortably stay.
- You can then slowly stand up again.
- Regular practice of this asana will help you to increase the time that you can practice.
Perform this asana daily to build your immune system. All these asanas of yoga for immunity will help you create a robust immune system.
Stay tuned for more such interesting posts and health hacks to remain healthy and prevent all kinds of diseases!
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