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Best Kidney Stone Home Remedies that can help you get rid of stones naturally and even prevent surgery

Last updated on May 12, 2021


The kidney is the natural filter for human beings. Kidney stone home remedies are some of the foods and drinks that can help you get rid of kidney stones at home and prevent surgery.

Kidney performs one of the most essential tasks for the human body; which is to filter toxins. A healthy kidney can help you avoid several diseases and promote your overall health. 

The most prominent importance of the kidney lies in the fact that with a small reduction in the amount of filtration, a chain of events can start occurring. All other parts of the body get affected and result in diseases and problems in normal bodily functions.

One of the most common problems being faced by humans is called kidney stones. The primary reason for the formation of these stones is lack of hydration. This post will be dedicated to Kidney stone home remedies, which can help you treat Kidney stones at home.

Although, you must consult your doctor before performing any of these remedies as the effect varies according to your condition and size of kidney stone.

These remedies will help you in general life also. You must maintain the right quantity of all these Kidney stone home remedies to prevent kidney stones from developing and keeping yourself fit. 

Without any further ado, let’s dig deep into the Kidney stone home remedies list – 

1. Water

Water is one of the most effective ways to help you get rid of kidney stones naturally. The reason for the formation of kidney stones is dehydration. 

So, drinking water will serve you two purposes; one to help you get rid of kidney stones and the other to help prevent any further formation of stones. The first step is to increase the amount of water you drink on a daily basis. Usually, we drink a maxim of 8 glasses of water. This consumption should increase to 12 glasses of water.

The best way to track your water consumption is to check the color of your urine. Dark yellow urine means that you are the dehydrated and a transparent or light yellow color of urine indicates that you are drinking enough water.

As hydration is the main goal here, you can also choose other drinks. Natural drinks like juices will be better because of various side-effects of artificial beverages.

I would like to reiterate that everything must be done after consulting and getting approval from your Doctor. This is a generalized post and does not apply to everyone.

2. Consuming citric acid in the form of lemon juice

Lemon juice is the best source of citric acid. One of the qualities of lemon juice is that it inhibits the formation of calcium stones in your body. Regularly drinking lemon juice will help to dissolve the stones by breaking them into smaller pieces which have the probability to flow along with the urine.

Lemon juice will also prevent the formation of new stones in your kidney. There are numerous other health benefits attached to lemon juice, thus drinking it on a regular basis helps you remain fit.

3. Consumption of apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar

Just like lemon juice, apple cider vinegar is equally effective in dissolving calcium stones present in your kidney. It will also prevent the formation of new stones.

Apple cider vinegar is also extremely beneficial to reduce weight and increase your metabolism. Excess body fat is directly linked to kidney stones. Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar will help you prevent numerous other diseases along with the help to fight kidney stones. 

4. Basil Juice 

Acetic acid is another acid along with citric acid that helps to break down kidney stones in your body. Basil juice of basil tea, both of which are formed from basil leaves have been used traditionally for centuries to cure numerous diseases. 

It is a robust solution, and you must make a plan of consuming it about once a day for a specific amount of time. Regular consumption for an extended period of time can result in side effects, and you must use it in particular intervals to treat your condition.

5. Planning the amount of oxalates in your diet

Oxalates are part of healthy foods, including green leafy vegetables, and are considered harmful specifically for the formation of calcium crystals in your body. This is a very complicated area as all the foods that have high quantities of oxalates are actually healthy and useful for your body. 

Your body also forms oxalates, but excess quantities of oxalates can result in the formation of calcium crystals. The best way to approach the scenario is to consult your Doctor or dietician to select the appropriate amounts suitable for your condition. 

6. Celery Juice

Celery juice

Celery juice is another traditional drink that has been used for centuries to help treat kidney stones. The primary purpose of drinking celery juice is its property of removing toxins from your body which are responsible for promoting the formation of kidney stones. 

There are many factors linked to celery juice, and everyone should not consume it. You must consult your doctor who will guide you on the consumption based on your health conditions.

7. Reducing weight

Obesity is a significant cause and has many links to the formation of kidney stones. Most of the patients suffering from kidney stones also tend to be obese. Keeping your weight in check and making efforts to reduce weight can help you remove kidney stones. 


8. Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice is also among the most effective home remedies to get rid of kidney stones. It is one of the most effective anti-oxidants which will clear your system of toxins and also prevent the future formation of kidney stones.


Although it may sound complicated, it is possible to get rid of kidney stones at home. It is an uncomfortable process, and you will surely feel pain during the whole process. 

You must remain in touch with your Doctor and take permission before planning to consume items from the above list. Also, feel free to comment and let us know if you have an addiction to this list of Kidney Stone Home Remedies. We appreciate comments and are working towards building an engaging community.

This list can help you ask about all the options from your Doctor, and you can plan to consume multiple things on a daily basis. These foods and drinks will also help to prevent the formation of kidney stones after you have successfully removed these from your system.

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