Last updated on May 12, 2021
We very often hear the saying “ Garlic keep the Vampires away” there is no proven evidence but a fable to make the little ones eat garlic a medicinal herb which can prevent various health issues and this is scientifically proven, unlike the vampire fable.
This article speaks about the benefits of garlic for skin:
Garlic is rich with antibiotic properties that stop bacterial growth in the pores and prevents acne formation. The anti-inflammatory property of garlic helps in reducing the inflammation caused by acne and the antioxidant properties play a big part in reducing the acne scar and keeping the skin active.
Usage: Crush the garlic cloves and collect the juice, use it on the affected area. Leave it for 10 – 15 minutes and clean off. You should use raw garlic for this purpose.
Improve Nail Growth
The usage of garlic protects your nails from being weak and fragile.
Usage: Apply some hot garlic oil on the edges of the nail before going to sleep and it will work like magic. It also helps in removing the yellowness from your nails.
Aid in Anti-Ageing
Garlic contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which reduces the wrinkles to a certain extent and radicals build-up by which keeping the skin young and tight. Garlic is also rich with vitamins A, B, C and mineral such as calcium, potassium, selenium, iodine, iron a certain to keep the skin young and youthful for a long time.
Usage: Crush some garlic and add honey to the paste. Transfer the paste to an airtight container and keep it in the fridge overnight. The next day, apply the paste on the face and leave it for 10 – 15 minutes after which it can be cleaned by using lukewarm water. Repeat this fortnightly.
Remove Moles
As per studies, the biggest reason for moles formation is the build-up of melanocytes. It doesn’t cause any health issues but can affect your looks due to their appearance on your body parts. Garlic contains enzymes that can break down the formation of melanocytes by which helps in removing the mole.
Usage: Crush fresh garlic cloves apply the crushed garlic on the moles, Cover / Wrap the area with a bandage and leave it for 4 – 6 hours. Remove the bandage and wash it off with water. Repeat this daily.
Remove Blackheads
Blackheads appear on the face and are caused due to steep oil secretion. The usage of garlic can reduce blackheads as it contains polyphenols that control secretion.
Usage: Crush fresh garlic and tomatoes together and apply the paste as a face mask. This will seal/cover all the pores & remove blackheads and make the skin glow.
Clear Stretch Mark
Garlic contains two very decisive compounds known as allicin and sulfur. These compounds speed up the collagen synthesis in the skin which restores the elasticity of our skin. The usage of garlic helps in clearing stretch marks and stop from future occurrence.
Usage: Take mustard oil in a bowl and start heating and add 2-3 garlic cloves to it. Remove the oil from the stove when you get the garlic smell and let it cool down. Massage the stretch marks with oil while it is warm. Repeat this daily.
Stop Blood Clotting
Blood clotting has a positive and negative effect on our health. The big health benefit of garlic is its ability to stop blood clotting by which reducing the negative impact of blood clotting.
Usage: Having raw garlic every day before breakfast is beneficial in stopping blood clotting.
I hope you like the above tips.
Author – Harish Sam Rajan
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